Faculty Resources


intr. Subir.
fig.Adelantar en empleo o dignidad.
tr. Dar o conceder un ascenso.

by Vijay Kanagala, Laura I. Rendón

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by Erin Doran, Paul Hengesteg

The Ascender program was created in 2012 by Catch the Next Inc., 解决提高社区学院学生在发展教育中的留校率和转学率的挑战. 本研究着眼于该项目参与者的经历,以及该项目如何提供有效的经验,并在校园和转学过程中培养他们的导航资本. 结果表明,丰富的第一年经验和对Ascender项目的额外参与有助于学生学习如何更好地驾驭复杂的经济援助系统和转学过程,同时也建立了他们作为成功大学生的信心.

Doran, Erin E. and Hengesteg, Paul, “迈向新的高度:为拉丁裔社区大学生建立导航资本”(2020). Education Publications. 176. http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/edu_pubs/176   
Ascending Toward New Heights        


by Rafael Castillo

CTN has grown successfully as a state-wide initiative building a strong, data-driven program that allows students to grow intellectually, to read competently, and to expand their self-worth. 升天模式丰富学生成为公民的参与者,并承担为所有人的利益的角色, regardless of color. 通过验证理论的教学提高了他们的自我价值,并允许学生在课堂环境中影响他人并维护他们的身份技能. It is worth noting that CTN continues to forge ahead in a state with shifting budgets, earning accolades and supporting excellence as one of its foundational colleges, Palo Alto College, earned the Rising Star Award from the Aspen Foundation. Catch the Next 's Ascender项目继续获得大德克萨斯基金会的慈善支持, the Meadows Foundation, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

NEW DIRECTIONS FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES, no. 190, 2020年夏季©2020 Wiley期刊有限责任公司在Wiley在线图书馆(wileyonlinlibrary)在线发布.com) • DOI: 10.1002/cc.20386

Teaching Latinx Students With Cariño


Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College
by Felten, Peter & Lambert, Leo M.

What single factor makes for an excellent college education? As it turns out, it's pretty simple: human relationships. 几十年的研究表明,丰富的大学经历具有变革潜力和持久的遗产. Critics suggest that to build connections with peers, faculty, staff, 另外,聘请其他导师的费用昂贵,而且只有在精英院校才有这种选择,因为那里的导师有充裕的时间与学生相处. But in this revelatory book brimming with the voices of students, faculty, and staff from across the country, Peter Felten and Leo M. 兰伯特认为,关系丰富的环境可以也应该存在于所有类型院校的所有学生身上. In "Relationship-Rich Education,费尔滕和兰伯特证明,人际关系是本科教育的核心, colleges and universities do not require immense resources, privileged students, or specially qualified faculty and staff. All students learn best in an environment characterized by high expectation and high support, 所有教职员工都可以学习以关系为基础的教育方式进行教学和工作. Emphasizing the centrality of the classroom experience to fostering quality relationships, 费尔滕和兰伯特关注的是学生在为同龄人塑造学习环境方面的影响, as well as the key difference a single, well-timed conversation can make in a student's life. 他们还强调,关系丰富的教育对第一代大学生尤为重要, 谁为大学带来了巨大的能力,但往往面临长期的不平等和障碍,以实现他们的教育愿望. Drawing on nearly 400 interviews with students, faculty, and staff at 29 higher education institutions across the country, 《十大网赌正规网址下载》为读者提供了实用的建议,告诉他们如何在自己的环境中发展和维持强有力的基于关系的学习. Ultimately, the book is an invitation--and a challenge--for faculty, administrators, 学生生活工作人员将人际关系从本科教育的外围转移到中心.

Johns Hopkins University Press, (2020)  

Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College



Validating Students in an Online Teaching Environment

下面是一些文献来帮助我们理解验证所有学生经历的重要性,尤其是那些第一代大学生. COVID对这些学生产生了不同程度的影响,并揭示了他们所面临的现实.

验证多元文化的学生:迈向学习与学生发展的新模式ASPIRATIONS TO ACHIEVEMENT Men of Color and Community CollegesThe COVID-igital DivideFirst-Generation Students’ Experiences During the COVID-19 PandemicConnecting Communities During COVID-19Redesigning College Admission: COVID-19, Access And Equity大学文化:教育技术非营利组织如何吸引小学年龄未来第一代拉丁裔大学生的家庭